Monday, July 20, 2015

Student Again

Today is the first official day of my MBA program.  I've got a staggering amount of reading to do this week.  Like, 200 pages worth.  Goodness.  My new Kindle (my old Kindle died a few weeks ago for no damn reason whatsoever) won't be here until middle of the week and I need it for my text books.  Until it gets here, I had to print out the pages to read. 

(Reminder to self:  buy a printer)

I had a really great weekend.  Saturday morning, after Scott headed off to work (at 5:30am....poor guy) I got myself up (well, at about 8 LOL) and went to breakfast by myself (I actually really enjoy taking a book and having a leisurely breakfast by myself occasionally), got my toes done (good LORD, they were last done right before my cruise in APRIL), and cut a good solid 7 inches off my hair.  My hair is to my shoulders and is so healthy now.  It was definitely the right decision.  It desperately needed to be cut off. 

Saturday, after Scott got off work, we went and picked up new living room and patio furniture.  Well, not NEW, but new to me.  A friend of mine had a furnished rental house that she just sold.  She doesn't need the couch for her own house, and my couch is old, so I snagged it from her house.  It's a beautiful, big dark blue sectional with recliners, a hide-a-bed and heated/massaging chairs.  Very nice.  She also had some nice wicker patio furniture that she didn't need so I snagged that too.  OH and a Keurig.  Yay!  I don't drink coffee (gah-ross), but I drink hot tea like a boss.  Scott drinks coffee, but only occasionally and only 1 cup.  This thing is perfect! 

Then Sunday, I met my friends for lunch at a Mexican place near my house that makes a STUFFED, BREADED, DEEP FRIED, WHOLE AVOCADO (this is why I'm fat).  It's ridiculously tasty.  Then after lunch we went to a divey little bar that I adore and watched a friend of mine play music for 3 hours on the patio.  Mind you, it was 100 degrees yesterday, with a spectacular feels like temperature of 110.  It was stupid hot.  (I looked over and there was someone with a hand fan, covered in sunflowers.  Seriously.)  It was a great time, with great friends, listening to great music.  I haven't had fun like that in several weeks now. 

Yesterday, while getting ready to go out, I popped into the shower, after putting down the baby blanket I'm crocheting right now down in the living room.  I came out after the shower to find my blanket on the floor which, I'll be honest, freaked me out....this woman is due to have her baby very soon and I thought that the puppy had eaten the blanket and I was going to have to start over. 

Nope.  She ate my crochet hook.  SHE ATE MY CUSTOM MADE, NOT CHEAP, CROCHET HOOK. 

*cries eyes out*
I can't even really be mad at her.  I mean, she's a 5 month old puppy who is teething.  She chews on everything, including us and even herself (she is in love with her feet....constantly working on her foot like its a chicken bone...LOL) and I left it down where she could get it and then I left the room for 20 minutes to get showered.  AGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH.  It was my favorite hook too.  But, really, how can you be mad at this face? 

You can't.
I need to keep having more weekends like this last one.  It was pretty damn great.  :) 

1 comment:

  1. Don't forget you can download the Kindle reader to your laptop. I found it to be easier with textbooks. Tablets may be good too, but I didn't have one then.
